Monday, July 26, 2010

Decanting Versus Wine Aerators: Is There A Difference?

While the process of decanting is simply a part of a long standing
tradition for many, there are others that swear by the process as it
relates to taste. Decanting adds a flair to the festivities, but there
is a touch of science behind it all, as well. However, there's a little
more to decanting than simply pouring the bottle's contents into another

It All Started Way Back When . . .

Older wines
that have been stored for many years in a cellar will usaully develop a
sediment that looks and tastes rather unappealing. If decanting is done
properly, then this sediment will be tossed out with the bottle instead
of pouring into your glass. However, there is a little more to consider.

people believe that simply opening your favorite bottle a couple of hours before serving will
allow it to breathe. With some of the older reds, the taste may be
masked by an astringent quality and can be rather harsh. Allowing the
bottle to breathe can expose it to oxygen, which effectively allows the
full character, bouquet, and flavor to develop.

Decanting and
Aerating Are Not the Same

Many people easily confuse the two
practices. A wine aerator may be used to weave oxygen into the liquid to
improve the taste. While decanting performs a somewhat similar act, the
main purpose is to remove the sediment. Some of the better wine aerators are set atop a glass or decanter and the liquid is slowly
poured through. This style of aerator provides the highest quality of
aeration, as the vino flows down the sides of the glass and over the "sweet spot" of the curve. The
result is simply fantastic experience in taste, character, and aroma.

Using Both Methods to Achieve Perfection

The pouring method
used in decanting would serve the wine aerator well. This would prevent
the sediment from emptying into the decanter or the glass, at least when
it's done correctly. There really is something to be said for
experience in decanting, but also in choosing the right product to
achieve perfect aeration.

It's Time to Enjoy a Glass of Fantastic

There you have it. When it comes to your favorite bottle of
red, it's time to put the wine aerator to good use, but also to use the
proper decanting technique when pouring. Imagine the perfect glass from your favorite year. Have you
looked forward to it all day? It's now closer than ever! Sit back,
relax, and enjoy!

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